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专业豪华黑色和蓝色智能看-证书模板 by Syeda-Atruba

企业和现代多用途证书模板 by hmgraphic

Jennifer Brown现代Canva, MS Word, Illustrator和Photoshop证书模板 by DesignDevisers

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现代多用途证书模板 by hmgraphic

现代蓝色智能外观-证书模板 by Syeda-Atruba

证书PSD设计模板卷053 by kdadan97

Canva肖像证书模板 by DesignDevisers

证书PSD设计模板卷055 by kdadan97

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证书PSD设计模板卷052 by kdadan97

证书PSD设计模板卷041 by kdadan97

Jericko Elsayah -证书模板 by HolographStudio

证书PSD设计模板卷038 by kdadan97

专业证书或文凭模板 by hmgraphic

Rifato Ernesto -证书模板 by HolographStudio

金黑色帆布证书模板 by DesignDevisers

Alexa克里斯汀-证书模板 by HolographStudio

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Berlian Michael -证书模板 by HolographStudio

证书PSD设计模板卷051 by kdadan97

Adrian Carolist -证书模板 by HolographStudio

Canva现代景观设计证书 by DesignDevisers

极简设计证书PSD模板 by kdadan97

证书PSD设计模板卷063 by kdadan97

企业证书画布 & 文字-风景和肖像 by DesignDevisers

Ilusiust Seriliant -证书 by HolographStudio

Glaisine Imelda -证书模板 by HolographStudio
Template Name | Downloads | Price |
现代豪华黑色和蓝色智能看-证书模板 | 3 | $10 |
快速编辑证书模板设计 | 1 | $5 |
Canva & 字化妆课程证书模板设计 | 1 | $6 |
Canva & Word发型设计课程证书模板 | 1 | $6 |
赞赏证书模板Canva | 2 | $7 |
证书模板下载- AI, PSD, DOCX格式
尤其是随着在线课程的发展, digital certifications are highly requested and are assuming more value within the work environment.
是展示所学技能还是参与, 认证是实现这些目标以及更多目标的正确工具.
However, designing a certificate template might be difficult for you if you don’t have experience using certain software.
在这种情况下,买现成的 证书模板 对你来说可能是最好的解决办法.
整个templatemmonster市场, 你会发现许多由世界各地的专家设计的证书.
每个证书都与不同的成就和奖励有关. 整个市场, 你会遇到最不同的类别, 从体育证书到学校奖励模板.
The templates are available in multiple formats and compatible with different editing programs, 你可以选择一个更适合你的预期用途.
The 证书模板 you’ll encounter across the marketplace are available in multiple formats. 根据您的需要, preferences, 或者兼容性要求, 您可以选择以下最常见的文件格式之一:
因为证书模板有多种格式, 这意味着它们与多个程序兼容. Here are some of the most popular you can use to edit ready-made 证书模板:
- Adobe Illustrator;
- Adobe Photoshop;
- Microsoft Word.
As you can use certificates for multiple purposes, they can be related to various categories. 根据你的需要,你可以在各种各样的选择中选择. 下面我们列出了一些你可以在市场上找到的最相关的.
成绩证书 are a perfect way to acknowledge someone’s success or show your appreciation for their achievements.
假设这是一场锦标赛, activity, or event organizer and want to provide the participants with informative and specially designed diplomas. 在这种情况下,参与证书可能是您的正确解决方案.
没有一项运动是没有奖牌或文凭的. 不管运动(棒球), football, softball, soccer, and so on), 你可以找到很多获奖证书.
We use word award certificates during corporate parties and events to recognize the best employee, 本月最佳工人, 最好的团队合作者, 或者只是对他们的辛勤工作说声“谢谢”. 如果你在这些场合需要证件的话, 你可以在Templateog体育首页市场上找到很多这样的游戏.
不管是毕业典礼还是每月一次的活动, 为你的长期努力得到一些证明和回报总是好的. Thus, 如果你想让你的学生为他们的成就感到骄傲, 学校奖励模板可能是你的完美选择.
即使证书看起来像简单的产品,它们也需要看起来很专业. 为了达到这个效果, you should have experience using certain programs that allow their creation and design skills. 如果这不是你的案子, 购买预先设计的证书模板可能是满足您需求的更好解决方案.
To make it clearer, below, we listed some of the most relevant benefits you can take advantage of when buying ready-made templates.
Creating and designing 证书模板 from scratch may require a relatively long time. If you’re in a hurry to issue them, buying ready-made templates can accelerate the process. 你只需要编辑个人信息, the date, and the signature, 证书就可以签发了.
Plus, 如果您以数字方式发送证书, 您可以在几分钟内进行所有必要的更改并发送.
如果您打算从头创建证书, 您可能需要使用某些专业软件, 例如Adobe InDesign, 哪一种相对昂贵. 如果你的预算有限,这可能不是一条正确的道路. 相反,买一个预先设计好的模板会帮你省钱. 你可以花不到20美元买到它(有时), 甚至不到10美元), 利用专业的工作优势.
Original design
即使你能找到 免费证书模板 在网上,它们通常非常简单,一点也不令人印象深刻. 此外,几乎每个人都在使用它们. 这意味着如果你决定使用它们, 你不会把你的公司和其他公司区分开来.
However, paid templates offer unique designs since they're created by designers who each have their preferences.
现成的模板有多种格式. Thus, whether you decide to use them for your intended uses or edit them with a specific program, 你就能达到你的目的. 这是特别有益的,因为您将能够直接使用它们, 不需要转换它们. For example, 如果你想用Photoshop对文档进行一些编辑, 可以选择PSD文件格式.
大多数模板还包括支持服务. Thus, 如果您有任何疑问或需要解决问题, 您可以通过联系支持团队或创建者获得即时答案. As a result, 你的需求会得到满足,而不必自己去想, 这通常会很耗时.
Some creators even include a support file with the most relevant information and advice for editing and using the certificate effectively.
尽管大多数模板都可以使用, 您可以根据自己的需要和偏好编辑和定制它们. 除了文本, 你也可以改变颜色, 形状和位置您的标志和识别元素. To do so, you can either use professional software or one of the many available free online tools.
Faster selection
考虑应该给证书设计什么可能会很耗时. Instead, 当寻找一个现成的模板, 你会看到大量的设计选项供你选择. 这样,您就可以想象您希望证书的外观. Plus, 通过按价格筛选结果,您可以使研究更直接, color, file format, compatibility, price range, reviews, topic, and last category. 这样,你只会得到你真正感兴趣的结果.
When creating a certificate, you should make sure that all the essential elements are included. To help you out, we've listed the most important sections of a certificate you shouldn't miss.
标题应概括证书的目的. 一般来说,标题的字体要比正文的其他部分大.
- 成绩证书;
- 赞赏证书;
- 竣工证书;
- 卓越认证;
- 参加证明;
- 认可证书;
- 识别奖;
- achievement award.
Presentation line
- is awarded to;
- 特此授予;
- is given to;
- is presented to.
The recipient section is where you’ll need to write the name and surname of the person that is going to get the certificate. 您可以以某种方式强调名称,例如使用斜体、粗体或装饰性字体.
After the recipient's name, it is customary to write one of these examples of a line of text:
- 承认[描述];
- For [description;
- 特此授予本认可证书;
- 被认为是[描述];
- 获奖原因:[描述].
在From部分, you should include the name of the organization or company that is issuing the certificate.
The description section is used to describe specific achievements and explains the reason for the award.
签名使证书更加合法. 在签名行下面加上印刷的姓名是个好习惯. 通常,它与证书的中心或右侧对齐.
证书成为专业文件. 无论你参加的是在线课程还是网络研讨会, you can show them to anyone who might be interested in your skills and knowledge or also as proof of your willingness to learn and keep yourself updated.
当获得证书时, 这样你的简历或职业形象就会丰富起来, 哪个能让招聘经理满意, 尤其是在找工作的时候.
Some companies and organizations want to engage only those with certain certifications that prove some specific abilities and skills. 你可以通过认证来表明你对学习的承诺, 哪些可以提升你的职业信誉.
如果你在参加了在线课程后获得了证书, a webinar, 或者任何教育活动, 你可以证明你从中获得的能力或知识.
当你申请一份工作时,证书可以让你从其他求职者中脱颖而出. 它可以给你一个优势,这在今天的市场上是极其重要的.
越来越多的公司和组织正在创建认证项目. 在课程结束时, you'll receive a certificate that shows what you learned throughout the course and what skills you developed.
如果你有一家公司,你想创建一个项目, events, 或者你想要奖励你的社区, 证书是必须的.
无论你的公司是成熟的还是刚起步的, 你可以为你的社区提供有形的价值. By attracting people's interest in your course or webinar and then issuing a certificate they can use on their social media channels (e.g., LinkedIn), you might reach their social circles, drastically increasing your brand awareness.
不管你是否提供付费证书培训项目, you can use free courses and certifications to attract potential customers to your business. 通过你的课程, 他们会对你的产品或服务有更多的了解, 哪些因素增加了他们购买订阅或消费的可能性.
随着认证价值的增加, 越来越多的人愿意参加课程或网络研讨会, 有时只是为了获得证书. As a business, you can leverage this by informing people that they will receive a 竣工证书 or participation at the end of the course, event, or webinar.
如果您需要多个证书模板,请订阅 og体育首页ONE plan might be a more convenient solution for you, which will let you save money and time. 它将使您可以无限制地访问和下载 证书模板 and many other digital products designed by experts with the use of professional software.
The certificate template is a pre-designed document that you can send or give to someone as a token of appreciation and congratulations for achievements.
是的,Google Docs有证书模板,你可以从中选择. 即使你的预算有限,你也可以在免费选项中选择一个.
Any company can create its certification programs and issue certificates with no need for accreditation.
A 竣工证书 is a document issued for meeting minimal occupational course, curriculum, 或者熟练程度要求.
- Open Word;
- Click on New;
- 在搜索文本部分,输入certificate;
- 选择一个模板并编辑它.