Sport InDesign Magazine Template by MightyDesign

Travel Magazine Templates Layout by MightyDesign

Spring - Magazine Template by HolographStudio

Travel Magazine Template 10 by Xtratimebd

Magazine Very Good Template by AdCone

Architecture Portfolio Magazine Templates by Bervisual

Hairstyle - Magazine Template by HolographStudio

Business Magazine Template 02 by Xtratimebd

Lifestyle Magazine Template 02 by Xtratimebd

Real Estate Magazine Template 2 by Xtratimebd

Arsitektur Brochure Portfolio Magazine Templates by Bervisual

Architektur Brochure Portfolio Magazine Templates by Bervisual

Business Brochure Template (20 pages, A4) by Xtratimebd

Hijab - Magazine Template by HolographStudio

Bread - Magazine Template by HolographStudio

Architecture Brochure Portfolio Magazine Templates by Bervisual

Beach - Magazine Template by HolographStudio

Business Magazine Template 10 by Xtratimebd

Fashion/Multipurpose Magazine Template by Bervisual

Vacation - Magazine Template by HolographStudio

Corporate Newsletter Template by Xtratimebd

Multipurpose Magazine Template by Xtratimebd

Climber - Magazine Template by HolographStudio

Architecturral Brochure Portfolio Magazine Templates by Bervisual

Photography - Magazine Template by HolographStudio

Fashion - Magazine Template by HolographStudio

Minimal Newsletter Template by Xtratimebd

Casual - Magazine Template by HolographStudio

Moeslem - Magazine Template by HolographStudio

Sweets - Magazine Template by HolographStudio

Lifestyle Magazine Template 17 by Xtratimebd

Travel Magazine Template 15 by Xtratimebd
5 Best Magazine Templates 2024
Template Name | Downloads | Price |
Architecture Template Portfolio A3 Landscape Format | 2 | $14 |
Travel Magazine Template 10 | 1 | $13 |
Creative Business Plan Template | 1 | $15 |
Spring - Magazine Template | 1 | $7 |
Annual Report Canva & MS Word | 2 | $10 |
Top 5 Magazine Templates from the Marketplace
Template Name | Vendor | Price | Main features |
$13 |
Size : A4 & US Letter Resolution : 300 dpi Color mode : CMYK Pages : 20 Pages Bleed : 3 mm Working file : Indesign CS 4, Indesign CS 5, Indesign CS 6. Inside Outside Paragraf Style IDML Easy To Modify Help File Txt |
$13 |
Size : A4 & US Letter Resolution : 300 dpi Color mode : CMYK Pages : 20 Pages Bleed : 3 mm Working file : Indesign CS 4, Indesign CS 5, Indesign CS 6. Inside Outside Paragraf Style IDML Easy To Modify Help File Txt |
Overdocx Minimal Magazine Template |
$13 | - Size : A4 & US Letter Resolution : 300 dpi Color mode : CMYK Pages : 30 Bleed : 3 mm Working file : Indesign CS 4, Indesign CS 5, Indesign CS 6. Inside Outside Paragraf Style IDML Easy To Modify Help File Txt |
ZEINIUS Design Magazine Template |
$13 |
Size : A4 & US Letter Resolution : 300 dpi Color mode : CMYK Pages : 30 Pages Bleed : 3 mm Working file : Indesign CS 4, Indesign CS 5, Indesign CS 6. Inside Outside Paragraf Style IDML Easy To Modify Help File Txt |
Streetwear Magazine Template |
$13 | Size : A4 & US Letter |
$13 |
Size : 8,5 & 11,9 In - 210x297mm Resolution : 300 dpi Color mode : CMYK Bleed : 3 mm Working file : Indesign CS 4, Indesign CS 5, Indesign CS 6. Inside Outside Paragraph Style IDML Easy To Modify Help File Txt |
The world gets more digital. We browse the web in search of the latest news and updates. 我们在我们最喜欢的门户网站上查找时尚亮点和有用的生活方式提示. The time when everything can be found online, 许多用户希望他们喜欢的报纸和在线杂志能在网上找到.
没有什么能比在早晨轻松地浏览你最喜欢的杂志更好的了. If you want to provide your customers with the same feeling, then magazines templates will come in handy to you. 没有必要花时间学习InDesign是如何工作的. You do not need to spend money to download a print-ready proof. 你所需要做的就是选择一个符合你个人需求的杂志设计模板.
Multiple magazine designs templates to match your needs
Templateog体育首页数字市场上有许多杂志模板. 所有这些都旨在为您提供一个开箱即用的解决方案,将您的创意变为现实. In the marketplace, 你可以遇到专业和赏心悦目的杂志文章模板. 它们都具有完全可编辑的页面,您可以在Photoshop中随意编辑, InDesign, and other popular editing software.
杂志布局的模板已准备好用于您的个人出版物, journals, books, advertising, weekly newsletters, periodical editions, trade magazines, editor reviews, etc. In the collection of sample magazine layout templates, 您可以找到适合任何企业和客户的现成杂志设计布局模板.
Easy to customize magazine design layout templates
市场上所有的杂志模板都很容易定制,不需要任何额外的帮助. They include compatible files for Adobe InDesign CC, as well as compatible files for Adobe InDesign CS4, CS5, CS6. The magazine templates are print-ready. In the bundles, you can find free Google fonts, multiple layers, 还有一些布局变化,让你可以分享你脑海中所有类型的数据. Feel free to customize colors and backgrounds the way you like. 杂志模板还具有自动页码和多栏,这将使您的印刷或数字杂志更加翔实. A3 pages are well-organized, letting you share graphics, custom illustrations, images, magazine articles, editorial notes, diary subscription, and more.
How to adjust magazine layout
Templateog体育首页数字市场中的每个杂志模板都可以根据您的出版机构进行调整, brand, blog, or a different type of organization. 只要你找到一个符合你期望的杂志模板, 你可以开始制作那些能吸引你的听众的内容. You may begin with the cover. 这是杂志中最重要的元素之一,它旨在传达你的项目的品牌,并说服人们得到它来了解更多关于你的信息, the latest trends, tips, etc.
What design should I choose?
Templateog体育首页市场上的杂志模板有各种各样的设计,可以让你的项目看起来很棒. 你可以选择一个简单的或未来主义的设计,这将使你的杂志脱颖而出. 杂志的模板是这样设计的,照片, 文本和图形一起呈现一种体验,让你的读者在阅读的整个过程中都保持专注. 看看我们在这个类别中精选的现成设计. 找到你的灵感,为你的杂志找到一个现成的解决方案.
How can I design a magazine?
You can design a magazine using any image editing software of your choice. As a rule, InDesign and Photoshop are used for this purpose. 在使用现成的杂志模板时,您还可以在从零开始创建杂志设计上节省大量时间.
What should a magazine cover include?
It’s important to put your brand front and center. Do not forget to highlight the most appealing topics 并分享一些人们可以在你的杂志中找到的引人注目的图片.
How do I print my own magazine?
When working with magazine templates, 你可以放心,你可以得到一个打印准备的设计,你可以在任何打印办公室打印.
How do I make a magazine layout?
在现成的杂志模板中,您可以遇到各种各样的杂志布局. 选择任何符合您需求的布局样式,并对设计进行最后的润色. Make sure that it reflects your brand’s style ideally.
How do I create a magazine template in Word?
- Open Microsoft Word.
- Click the "Insert" tab at the top of the work area. Click the "Shapes" button to add a shape to the docs, change the shape’s design using the ribbon, adjust the shape fill color if needed.
- Draw your own design by clicking the "Scribble" tool.
- Copy the design for use in another Word document if needed.
- Save the design.